Employer-driven market? It depends for whom …

  Since last year, we have been offering a solution from Finland - Digital Headhunting, both in Poland and other countries of the CEE region. It is aimed at companies that are not satisfied with the results, costs or speed of recruitment processes. We are in a regular contact with hundreds of companies. At the same time, we conduct regular recruitment projects in Poland as well as recruit in other countries of the CEE region.

5 sposobów na poprawienie Candidate Experience w procesie rekrutacyjnym

  Budowanie pozytywnych doświadczeń osób biorących udział w procesach rekrutacyjnych jest obecnie jednym z najważniejszych sposobów na przyciągnięcie najlepszych Kandydatek i Kandydatów do organizacji. 54% osób poszukujących pracy stwierdziło, że negatywne doświadczenia z procesu rekrutacyjnego zniechęciłoby ich do przyjęcia oferty pracy, 69% osób w wyniku złych doświadczeń rekrutacyjnych rzadko lub nigdy nie zaaplikuje ponownie (badania Talentgy). Jak wobec tego zadbać o doświadczenia Kandydatek i Kandydatów, inaczej Candidate Experience, aby chcieli pracować właśnie dla naszej firmy

Reputation in today’s world is a key pillar of any business.

Reputation has real value that can have a huge impact on brand perception. This is the key to the success of a company, which cannot afford decreasing. The reputation of the company is built by its employees, but also defined by key decisions that can harm or even destroy a long-built image. Strengthening Employer Branding in the world of VUCA It is worth pointing out that the reputation is something you have or you don’t.

Who should sell Professional Services?

  In recent years, several times I had the opportunity to help Professional Services companies develop their sales activities, or who prefers, Business Development area.   Of course, as I am primarily involved in recruitment, our role was to attract people from the market who will bring new competences, new insights and new practices in this area. At the same time, discussing with the Clients information gathered throughout our work has expanded the discussion to

Crisis recruitment

  I have decided to share a story that has many associations with an extraordinary spring of 2020. I am curious, if anyone sees any reference in it, or maybe even a moral?   Some time ago, our Italian Client had given us a recruitment for the position of General Manager / Plant Manager. In this respect, there is nothing extremely interesting, such tasks have been done many times over the last 15 years. However,